Source code for tiktokscraper.models

import datetime
import json
import logging
import requests

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class Comment(): """Entails all relevant data concerning a specific comment :ivar str comment_language: Comment language :ivar str text: Comment content :ivar str user_id: Unique username :ivar str user_nickname: User nickname (not unique) :ivar datetime.datetime create_time: Create time :ivar int reply_comment_total: Number of replies to the comment :ivar List[Comment] reply_comment: Replies """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.comment_language = kwargs["comment_language"] self.text = kwargs["text"] self.user_id = kwargs["user"]["unique_id"] self.user_nickname = kwargs["user"]["nickname"] self.create_time = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(kwargs["create_time"]) self.reply_comment_total = kwargs["reply_comment_total"] # further processing necessary self.reply_comment = self._process_reply_comments(kwargs["reply_comment"]) def _process_reply_comments(self, reply_comments): if reply_comments: return [Comment(comment) for comment in reply_comments] return None def json(self): return json.dumps(self, default=lambda o: o.isoformat() if (isinstance(o, datetime.datetime)) else o.__dict__, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
[docs] class Profile(): """Entails all relevant data concerning a profile :ivar int follower_count: Follower count :ivar int following_count: Following count :ivar int friend_count: Friend count :ivar int heart: Heart :ivar int heart_count: Heart count :ivar int video_count: Video count :ivar bool commerce_user: Is commerce user True/False :ivar str nickname: Nickname :ivar bool private_account: Is private account True/False :ivar str signature: Signature :ivar bool verified: Is verified True/False """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): kwargs = kwargs["userInfo"] self.follower_count = int(kwargs["stats"]["followerCount"]) self.following_count = int(kwargs["stats"]["followingCount"]) self.friend_count = int(kwargs["stats"]["friendCount"]) self.heart = int(kwargs["stats"]["heart"]) self.heart_count = int(kwargs["stats"]["heartCount"]) self.video_count = int(kwargs["stats"]["videoCount"]) self.commerce_user = bool(kwargs["user"]["commerceUserInfo"]["commerceUser"]) if "commerceUserInfo" in kwargs["user"] else None self.nickname = kwargs["user"]["nickname"] self.unique_id = kwargs["user"]["uniqueId"] self.secUid = kwargs["user"]["secUid"] self.private_account = bool(kwargs["user"]["privateAccount"]) self.signature = kwargs["user"]["signature"] self.verified = bool(kwargs["user"]["verified"])
[docs] class Video(): """Entails all relevant data concerning a video :ivar str video_id: Video ID :ivar str description: Description :ivar int create_time: Creat time :ivar bool is_pinned: Is pinned :ivar str music_author: Music author name :ivar str music_id: Music id :ivar str music_title: Music title :ivar str music_url: Music URL :ivar int collect_count: Collect count :ivar int comment_count: Comment count :ivar int digg_count: Digg Count :ivar int play_count: Play count :ivar int share_count: Share count :ivar str download_url: Download URL """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): = kwargs["id"] self.description = kwargs["desc"] self.create_time = int(kwargs["createTime"]) self.is_pinned = bool(kwargs["isPinnedItem"]) if "isPinnedItem" in kwargs else False self.music_author = kwargs["music"]["authorName"] self.music_id = kwargs["music"]["id"] self.music_title = kwargs["music"]["title"] self.music_url = kwargs["music"]["playUrl"] if "playUrl" in kwargs["music"] else None self.collect_count = kwargs["stats"]["collectCount"] self.comment_count = kwargs["stats"]["commentCount"] self.digg_count = kwargs["stats"]["diggCount"] self.play_count = kwargs["stats"]["playCount"] self.share_count = kwargs["stats"]["shareCount"] # not all videos provide a download adress self.download_url = kwargs["video"]["downloadAddr"] if "video" in kwargs and "downloadAddr" in kwargs["video"] else None def download(self, location): if self.download_url is None:"No download url available.") return None res = requests.get(self.download_url, stream=True) with open(location, 'wb') as fd: for chunk in res.iter_content(chunk_size=128): fd.write(chunk)