from tiktokscraper.TiktokScraper import TiktokScraper
async def example_function():
# create TiktokScraper object
TS = TiktokScraper()
# ========================================================
# using the following functions is possible without login
# ========================================================
# get comments from single video
comments = TS.get_comments("", limit_comments=50)
# get comments from several different videos
result = TS.get_comments(["", ""], limit_comments=50)
# print comment texts
for video in result:
for comment in video:
# get video details
video_details = await TS.get_video_details(["", ""])
# print video details
for video in video_details:
print(video.description, video.play_count)
# get followers for user
# can only use secUid for user. Use get_profile_details first to get this information
# Here is an example for Google
secUid = "MS4wLjABAAAABqImMisT8O3jtr2Ufg4t7wTYypL4gPC9rWRrIkkThwCgCVMRJW6ls-n2T6bmDMZb"
followers = TS.get_followers_for_user(secUid, limit=30)
for follower in followers:
# ====================================================================================
# for the following functions you need to either be logged in or manually get msTokens
# ====================================================================================
# used to log in
# if use_browser_cookies is set to True, cookies from your browser are used and you dont have
# to do anything additionally
await TS._initialize_browser(use_browser_cookies=True, browser="firefox")
# Profile details
profiles = await TS.get_profile_details(["google", "microsoft"])
for profile in profiles:
# videos of user
videos = await TS.get_videos_of_user("google")
for video in videos:
print(, video.description)
# example to download video
# get recommended / trending videos
videos = await TS.get_trending_videos()
# get videos for keyword
videos = await TS.get_videos_for_keyword("google", limit=24)